Hair Transplantation
Fue Hair Transplantation
Fue hair transplantation is taking healthy hair follicles by a method called fue and transferring to the hairless area. Fue method, which is a technique that has been applied since 2004, is an open technique for technological developments and has been developed since the day it was started to be implemented. In Fue technique, hair follicles are taken from the back part of the hair which is called as “donor site” with the help of 0.7-1 mm micro motor tips and transplanted to the region where hair is sparse. Each follicle removed from the “donor site” contains 2 or 3 hair cells, which are called grafts. The doctor will decide during the examination on how much graft each patient will need before the operation.
How is hair transplantation performed with Fue technique?
The first phase of hair transplantation with Fue technique is the preparation for operation. In this preparation, which takes approximately one hour, the patients are photographed, the area of hair transplantation is determined and all hair is shaved to be shorter than 1 mm. Finally, the donor site where hair follicles will be taken is anesthetized using local anesthesia. In the second stage of the operation, the hair follicles begin to be taken from the area designated as donor site. This process lasts approximately 3 hours and is performed with local anesthesia. Hair follicles taken kept in a special solution and at +4 - +10 oC temperature. In the next stage of the operation, the opening of the channels is carried out for the placement of the hair follicles. For this purpose, the area to be transplanted is anesthetized, depending on the thickness and depth of the hair follicles, special channel openers are used. In the last stage of the operation, hair follicles are placed in the channels that were opened. This phase lasts about 3 hours and the whole operation takes 6-9 hours.
Does pain occur after Fue hair transplantation operation?
After Fue hair transplantation operation is finished, the area of hair follicles is closed with a bandage. This bandage is removed within 1-2 days. The patient is given antibiotics for the risk of infection and painkillers for mild pain.
How long does hair grow after Fue hair transplantation?
The planted hair follicles become firm in about a week. During this time, the patient carefully washes the head and removes the crusts in the operation area. After the newly planted hair follicles grow within 2-3 weeks, the hair growing stops and the hair is poured. The reason for this is the splitting of the hair and the hair follicles remain in place. After a week, the hair begins to grow again, hair in the front area grows in 6-8 months and the hair in the hill area grows within 8-12 months and takes its final form.
Do scars occur after Fur hair transplantation?
In Fue hair transplantation operation, bald areas or scars smaller than 1 mm may occur in the area where hair follicles are taken. The hair around this area hides these scars when it grows. The Fue technique is therefore regarded as a non-traceable application.
What should be considered before hair transplantation?
Since you will need a recovery period after the hair transplantation process, if you are working, you will need a 7-10 day permit. Before the operation, aspirin-like blood thinning drugs, depression medications, painkillers, vitamin E and B drugs and multivitamins should not be consumed. The use of alcohol should also be ceased 7 days ago.
What should be considered after hair transplantation?
After Fue hair transplantation, the area of hair transplantation should be well protected for 7-10 days. Bandage at the end of the operation will be removed on the 1st or 2nd day. Hair should be washed daily. Your doctor will tell you how to wash your hair. On the 7th day, crusts will begin to spill. It is important to stay away from activities such as pool, sea and solarium for 2 weeks after hair transplantation in order to get good results from the operation.
Who is suitable for Fue hair transplantation?
Every individual who does not have a significant health problem can undergo hair transplantation. During the examination, your spill type, your hair analysis and donor site analysis will be performed by your doctor and it will be decided whether you are suitable or not.
Implanter Pen Technique - DHI Hair Implantation
Implanter PenTechnique or DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is to inject the hair follicles taken in FUE method through the pen (Implanter) to the skin. It is a more advanced, successful, painless and rapid recovery process in the field of hair transplantation.
Hair follicles are transplanted individually into the area to be planted by DHI technique. Each hair follicle is planted as the maximum living root with the DHI pen developed for its specific angle, direction and depth. The planted hair will grow and will not spill throughout life of the patient. The entire procedure is carried out by the physicians trained by DHI. In DHI Hair Transplantation method, the hair follicles are removed individually from the donor site and prepared as special pieces in 1mm or less. Follicles are protected at appropriate temperatures and in special solutions without disintegration or cutting. In the area where hair roots are to be planted, 1 mm or less is planted directly by DHI pen technique without opening the holes and cuts. As a result of the application of depth, direction and angle in each graft, the patient regains the living hair follicles and growing hair throughout his life.
Advantages of Pen Technique
Roots taken by FUE method are placed in pens by nurses. The doctor injects the root into the skin by adjusting the depth, direction and angle of the pencils. Automatically retracts the needle and the follicle remains under the skin.
Since the pens are thinner than 1 mm, it is possible to plant without leaving any scars and troughs in the desired frequency, without interrupting the existing hair, and between the dilute regions, beard and mustache areas. Eyebrow planting which looks completely natural can also be performed. We prefer two different sized needles for single use pens. We use 0.8 mm for 1 and 2 grafts; and 1 mm for 2, 3 and 4 grafts.
Application Areas
Manual Hair Transplantation
The Manual Fue Technique is the one-to-one pick-up / removal of the grafts at the optimum number and quality without leaving any scars on the donor site. The manual Fue technique requires a delicate touch, physical endurance, excellent hand and eye coordination and hand motor skill.
Manual Fue Technique extraction is a technique in which the grafts are removed individually and there is no graft loss.
Benefits of the Manual Fue Technique
Fue hair transplantation is taking healthy hair follicles by a method called fue and transferring to the hairless area. Fue method, which is a technique that has been applied since 2004, is an open technique for technological developments and has been developed since the day it was started to be implemented. In Fue technique, hair follicles are taken from the back part of the hair which is called as “donor site” with the help of 0.7-1 mm micro motor tips and transplanted to the region where hair is sparse. Each follicle removed from the “donor site” contains 2 or 3 hair cells, which are called grafts. The doctor will decide during the examination on how much graft each patient will need before the operation.
How is hair transplantation performed with Fue technique?
The first phase of hair transplantation with Fue technique is the preparation for operation. In this preparation, which takes approximately one hour, the patients are photographed, the area of hair transplantation is determined and all hair is shaved to be shorter than 1 mm. Finally, the donor site where hair follicles will be taken is anesthetized using local anesthesia. In the second stage of the operation, the hair follicles begin to be taken from the area designated as donor site. This process lasts approximately 3 hours and is performed with local anesthesia. Hair follicles taken kept in a special solution and at +4 - +10 oC temperature. In the next stage of the operation, the opening of the channels is carried out for the placement of the hair follicles. For this purpose, the area to be transplanted is anesthetized, depending on the thickness and depth of the hair follicles, special channel openers are used. In the last stage of the operation, hair follicles are placed in the channels that were opened. This phase lasts about 3 hours and the whole operation takes 6-9 hours.
Does pain occur after Fue hair transplantation operation?
After Fue hair transplantation operation is finished, the area of hair follicles is closed with a bandage. This bandage is removed within 1-2 days. The patient is given antibiotics for the risk of infection and painkillers for mild pain.
How long does hair grow after Fue hair transplantation?
The planted hair follicles become firm in about a week. During this time, the patient carefully washes the head and removes the crusts in the operation area. After the newly planted hair follicles grow within 2-3 weeks, the hair growing stops and the hair is poured. The reason for this is the splitting of the hair and the hair follicles remain in place. After a week, the hair begins to grow again, hair in the front area grows in 6-8 months and the hair in the hill area grows within 8-12 months and takes its final form.
Do scars occur after Fur hair transplantation?
In Fue hair transplantation operation, bald areas or scars smaller than 1 mm may occur in the area where hair follicles are taken. The hair around this area hides these scars when it grows. The Fue technique is therefore regarded as a non-traceable application.
What should be considered before hair transplantation?
Since you will need a recovery period after the hair transplantation process, if you are working, you will need a 7-10 day permit. Before the operation, aspirin-like blood thinning drugs, depression medications, painkillers, vitamin E and B drugs and multivitamins should not be consumed. The use of alcohol should also be ceased 7 days ago.
What should be considered after hair transplantation?
After Fue hair transplantation, the area of hair transplantation should be well protected for 7-10 days. Bandage at the end of the operation will be removed on the 1st or 2nd day. Hair should be washed daily. Your doctor will tell you how to wash your hair. On the 7th day, crusts will begin to spill. It is important to stay away from activities such as pool, sea and solarium for 2 weeks after hair transplantation in order to get good results from the operation.
Who is suitable for Fue hair transplantation?
Every individual who does not have a significant health problem can undergo hair transplantation. During the examination, your spill type, your hair analysis and donor site analysis will be performed by your doctor and it will be decided whether you are suitable or not.
Implanter Pen Technique - DHI Hair Implantation
Implanter PenTechnique or DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is to inject the hair follicles taken in FUE method through the pen (Implanter) to the skin. It is a more advanced, successful, painless and rapid recovery process in the field of hair transplantation.
Hair follicles are transplanted individually into the area to be planted by DHI technique. Each hair follicle is planted as the maximum living root with the DHI pen developed for its specific angle, direction and depth. The planted hair will grow and will not spill throughout life of the patient. The entire procedure is carried out by the physicians trained by DHI. In DHI Hair Transplantation method, the hair follicles are removed individually from the donor site and prepared as special pieces in 1mm or less. Follicles are protected at appropriate temperatures and in special solutions without disintegration or cutting. In the area where hair roots are to be planted, 1 mm or less is planted directly by DHI pen technique without opening the holes and cuts. As a result of the application of depth, direction and angle in each graft, the patient regains the living hair follicles and growing hair throughout his life.
Advantages of Pen Technique
- Since the tips of the pen are thin, hair transplantation is performed more frequently.
- A more natural look is provided because it is easier to give a direction (angle) to the hair planted with the pen.
- Since there is no need to open grooves, existing hair in the area is not damaged.
- Since there is no need to open grooves, bleeding is less in the area of the plantation and therefore, recovery is more rapid. Scars in the scalp do not occur.
- It is not obligatory to cut the hair in the area where planting will be performed.
- The survival rate of tissues is higher.
- Less damage in follicle transfer.
- Maximum frequency and natural appearance is obtained.
Roots taken by FUE method are placed in pens by nurses. The doctor injects the root into the skin by adjusting the depth, direction and angle of the pencils. Automatically retracts the needle and the follicle remains under the skin.
Since the pens are thinner than 1 mm, it is possible to plant without leaving any scars and troughs in the desired frequency, without interrupting the existing hair, and between the dilute regions, beard and mustache areas. Eyebrow planting which looks completely natural can also be performed. We prefer two different sized needles for single use pens. We use 0.8 mm for 1 and 2 grafts; and 1 mm for 2, 3 and 4 grafts.
Application Areas
- Hair Transplantation
- Beard Transplantation
- Mustache Transplantation
- Eyebrow Transplantation
Manual Hair Transplantation
The Manual Fue Technique is the one-to-one pick-up / removal of the grafts at the optimum number and quality without leaving any scars on the donor site. The manual Fue technique requires a delicate touch, physical endurance, excellent hand and eye coordination and hand motor skill.
Manual Fue Technique extraction is a technique in which the grafts are removed individually and there is no graft loss.
Benefits of the Manual Fue Technique
- No stitching and no permanent scarring.
- The next day the donor site in the nape will heal.
- Provides comfortable and short-term healing process.
- In general, no edema or bruising occurs.
- There is no almost post-operative pain.
- After the operation, daily activities are restricted less and easy to return daily life.
- Maximum number of grafts (hair follicles) can be removed.